منوجهری و الادب العربی

نوع مقاله : نمایه


استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عرب دانشگاه یزد



جوانب التأثر فی شعر منوجهری الشاعر الفارسی القدیم  بالادب العربی کثیره متنوعه فی الفاظه الشعریه و فی معانیه، ممّا جعله متمیّزاً بین شعراء عصره، فمنها ما اورده فی شعره من اسماء الشعراء العرب، و من اسماء کبار اعلام العرب من الصحابه و التابعین، و من اسماء عرائس الشعر العربی، و ما اشار الیه من بعض القصائد العربیه و ما استخدم فی شعره من الفاظ الشعر العربی و خاصّه الغریب منها، و منها ما استلهم فیه معانی من الشعر العربی، و ما اقتفی به من وصف الشعراء الجاهلین لرحلاتهم فی الصحرا، و له ثلاث فصائد وصف فی کلّ واحده منها رحله له فی الصحراء، کما وصف فیها فرسه اوناقته ایضاً، و کذلک ما اورده من الحکم و الامثال فی شعره علی غرار القصائد العربیه، و ما وصفه ایضاً من اشیاء مخصوصه فی مقطوعات منفرده من الشعر کمقطوعه له فی سته ابیات یصف فیها قصراً کان قد بناه احد الملوک او الامراء لنفسه و غیر دلک و لکن یجدر بالذکر ان منوجهری مع تأثره الشدید و اعجابه الکبیر بالادب العربی لم یکن فیه ذا مقدره رفیعه تمکنه من قول الشعر باللغه العربیه و انما فی دیوانه هناک مصراعان من الشعر العربی و هما فی غایه الرکاکه و الوهن.

عنوان مقاله [English]

Manuchehry and Arabic Literature

نویسنده [English]

  • Ramezan Behdad
Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University
چکیده [English]

Manuchehry, the Persian poet, was well-versed in Arabic Literature. This influence of Arabic literature is observed in his diction and also in the images that he has created. Numerous Arabic words have found their way into his writings. For example, he makes references to Arab poets like Imra'-al-Kays and Labid and Al-Akhtal and Aasha of Kays and also to Arabic - Islamic personalities. In addition, Manuchehry also invokes the muses of Arabic poetry and a few of the Arabic odes are clearly visible amongst his works.
It is noteworthy that ancient and archaic Arabic words were seldom found in the works of other Persian poets, however, Manuchehry has made ample use of it in his poetry.
Manuchahry's images also take their root from the images of the Arabic verses.
His description of journeys through the deserts riding on a Kamel or a horse also imitates the Djahili and Omyyad Arab poets of Beduin poetry. His descriptions also includes some special objects, for example, the transference of a beautiful picture of a palace belonging to one of his patrons. Maxims and proverbs having an Arabic Literary base are also brought forward in his works. Although Manuchehry is refered to as a Persian poet, having a significant status in Arabic literature, I would rather state that his knowledge of Arabic Literature was not sufficient for him to write in Arabic in his book of poetry he gives us only two hemistiches in Arabic that, are weak and insignificant.